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배임 영어로

"배임" 예문"배임" 뜻

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  • 배임 [背任] breach of trust[faith]; malpractice; defalcation; misappropriation(횡령).
    업무상 ~ dereliction of duty.
    ~ 죄로 고발당하다 be charged with breach of trust[with misfeasance in office].▷ 배임 행위 an act in violation of one's duty.
  • 배임죄    배임죄 [背任罪] breach of trust[faith]; (의사·변호사 등의) malpractice; (특히 공무원의) malfeasance; misfeasance in office; (부정 유용) misappropriation . ~ 및 문서 위조 혐의로 기소되다 be charged with breach of trust, fabrication of
  • 선배임    seniority; priority of birth
  • 배일환    Bae Il-hwan
  • 배일성의    nocturnal
  • 배일성    배일성 [背日性] 『植』 negative heliotropism; apheliotropism.
  • 배자    배자 [胚子] 『生』 an embryo.배자 [褙子] a (women's) waistcoat.
  • 배일    배일 [排日] ~하다 exclude the Japanese; be anti-Japanese.▷ 배일 감정 an anti-Japanese sentiment[feeling]. 그 나라에는 ~ 감정이 팽배해 있다 An anti-Japanese sentiment runs high in that country.▷ 배일론자 an anti-Japanist.▷ 배일
  • 배자루마디    Petiole (insect anatomy)
  • 배인혁 (배우)    Bae In-hyuk
  • 배자의    urtext; seminal


  • Economic crime cases involving violation of the Punishment of Tax Evaders Act, misappropriation, fraud, bribery, etc.
    한국토지신탁 신탁 수익금 사건 조세범처벌법위반, 각종 배임, 사기, 뇌물공여 등 경제범죄 사건
  • An acquittal in a case of embezzlement and breach of duty involving officers and employees of a company
    기업 임직원의 비자금 관련 횡령, 배임 등 사건에서 무죄판결을 이끌어낸 사례
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