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변전 영어로

"변전" 예문"변전" 뜻"변전" 중국어

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  • 변전 [變轉] (a) change; vicissitudes; mutation.
    인생의 ~에 참고 견디다 bear up under the vicissitudes of life.
    ~하다 change; mutate.
    끊임없이 ~하는 세태 ever-changing social conditions.
    사태가 어지럽게 ~함에 따라 as a result of the quick changes in the situation.
  • 변전소    변전소 [變電所] a substation.
  • 변전 무쌍한    kaleidoscopic
  • 변재섭    Byun Jae-sub
  • 변재    변재 [邊材] sapwood.변재 [辯才] oratorical talent[skill]; the gift of (the) gab; eloquence. ~가 있는 사람 an eloquent speaker / a gifted speaker. ~가 있다 be gifted with eloquence / have an oratorical talent / hav
  • 변장호    Byun Jang-ho
  • 변장한    cloaked; covered; masked; camouflaged; disguised; hidden; concealed
  • 변절    변절 [變節] [절개를 바꿈] treachery; betrayal; [주장을 바꿈] (a) defection; apostasy; tergiversation. ~하다 betray; change[turn] one's coat; change about; turn traitor to ; turn against ; change sides; apostatize;
  • 변장하지 않은    undisguised
  • 변절시키다    proselyte; apostatize; betray; abandon one’s religion; be disloyal
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