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병발하다 영어로

"병발하다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • occur unexpectedly
  • 발하다    발하다 [發-]1 [피다] bloom; come out.2 [발산하다] issue forth[out]; emit; give out[forth]; (소리를) utter; (빛·열 등을) emanate; radiate. 개똥벌레는 몸의 끝에서 빛을 발한다 A firefly emits light from the end of its body.3 [펴서 드러내다
  • 병발    병발 [竝發·倂發]1 [여러 가지 병이 동시에 생김] a complication. ~하다 supervene on ; have a complication; be complicated by . 다른 병이 ~하지 않는다면 그는 곧 회복될 것이다 He will recover soon provided there are no complications. 그는 맹장염
  • 개발하다    improve; develop; exploit
  • 격발하다    blow up; explode
  • 계발하다    develop; illuminate; illumine
  • 고발하다    criminate; indict; accuse; report; impeach; charge; article
  • 돌발하다    break out; occur; burst out; appear
  • 반발하다    repel; force back
  • 분발하다    endeavor; spurt; brace up; attempt; try hard
  • 빛을 발하다    beam
  • 산발하다    occur sporadically; spread; scatter; disperse; dishevel; wear loosely
  • 선발하다    pick out; choose; start in advance; select
  • 쌍발하다    go to work
  • 에서 징발하다    requisition
  • 연발하다    fire in volleys; shoot; start late
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