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복죄하다 영어로

"복죄하다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • plead guilty
  • admit guilt
  • 꾀죄하다    꾀죄(죄)하다 shabby; dirty; filthy; squalid; sordid; seedy; dowdy. 옷차림이 ~ be shabbily dressed[clothed] / be dressed with dirty[soiled] clothes. 그가 왜 저렇게 꾀죄죄해졌는지 모르겠다 I hardly understand what has made him
  • 사죄하다    express regret; apologize
  • 속죄하다    atone; expiate; do penance for; abye; atone for; aby; make amends
  • 복죄    복죄 [服罪·伏罪] acceptance of one's sentence. ~하다 accept a sentence; submit to a sentence; plead guilty .
  • ...하다    dare; pretend
  • 하다    하다11 [행하다] do; perform; undertake; deliver ; [해보다] try; attempt; [실행하다] practice; put into practice; execute; carry out[on]; [착수하다] set about; go in for. … 하려고 하여 in an effort[endeavor] to / by way
  • ~기로 하다    determine; decide; resolve
  • 가게 하다    send; let; let it go
  • 가하다    가하다 [可-] [옳다] right; good; well; all right; [좋다] fairly good; passable. …이라 해도 ~ we may rightly say that ‥ / it may safely be said that ‥. 어느 쪽이든 ~ Either (of them) will do[be satisfactory]. 그것으로 ~
  • 간하다    간하다 season with salt[soy]; apply salt . 간장으로 살짝 간한 음식 food seasoned lightly with soy sauce.간하다 [諫-] remonstrate[expostulate] ; admonish ; give candid[frank] advice. …하지 않도록 ~ remonstrate[reason] .
  • 감사 하다    appreciate
  • 감하다    감하다 [減-]1 [빼다] subtract; deduct ; take off. 30에서 20을 ~ subtract 20 from 30. 10에서 6을 감하면 4가 남는다 Six from ten leaves four / Ten less[minus] six leaves four.2 [줄이다] decrease; lessen; diminish; abate; r
  • 감히 ~ 하다    dare; stake; pretend; be bold; venture; make bold
  • 감히 … 하다    pretend; presume; dare
  • 강하다    강하다 [强-]1 [강력하다] strong; powerful; mighty. 강한 나라 a strong nation / a great power. 강한 자 a strong man. 강한 어조 an emphatic tone. 세력이 강해지다 increase in power / redouble the force. 강한 자가 이긴다 The battle is
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