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부정 영어로

"부정" 예문"부정" 뜻"부정" 중국어

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  • 부정 [不正] [불공정] injustice; unfairness; iniquity; [비행] wrong; unrighteousness; [위법·불법·무법] illegality; unlawfulness; [부정직] dishonesty; obliquity; [부당] impropriety; venality(금전상의).
    ~을 바로잡다 redress[remedy] injustice.
    ~하다 bad; unjust; unfair; foul; wrong; unrighteous; iniquitous; (위법인) illegitimate; unlawful; illegal; improper(부당한); (허위의) false; fraudulent.
    ~한 돈 dirty[tainted] money / ill-gotten money / filthy lucre / <美口> graft(특히 정치 관계의).
    ~한 벌이 dirty gains.
    ~한 사람들 the unjust.
    ~한 거래 oblique dealings / <口> a queer transaction.
    ~한 짓을 하다 do a dishonest thing[act] / commit an injustice[irregularities] / do wrong / (경기에서) play foul / (시험에서) cheat[crib] on] an examination>.
    ~한 방법으로 이기다 win unfairly.▷ 부정 공무원 a corrupt(ed)[venal] official.▷ 부정 공사 fraudulent work.▷ 부정 대출 an unlawful accommodation of money; an illegal loan[advance].▷ 부정 부패 illegality and corruption; abuse of power and graft(공무원 등의).▷ 부정 수단 a dishonest[an improper / an unlawful / an unfair / a fraudulent / an illicit] means; a fraud.
    ~ 수단으로 by a dishonest means / dishonestly / wrongfully / <口> on the cross.▷ 부정 입학
    ~ 입학을 하다 enter a university fraudulently[by improper means] / bribe one's way into a college.▷ 부정 저울 a false balance; a tampered weighing machine.▷ 부정 축재 accumulation of wealth[making a fortune] by illicit means.
    ~ 축재를 하다 accumulate[amass] wealth by unlawful[illicit] means; make a fortune by illegal means.▷ 부정품 a fraudulent article; an adulterated article; a fraud.부정 [不定] uncertainty; indefiniteness; incertitude; indeterminateness; mutability.
    주소 ~의 사람 a man of no fixed abode / a vagrant / a tramp / <집합적> the homeless.
    ~하다 unsettled; uncertain; indefinite; unfixed; undetermined; undecided; indeterminate; 『數』 arbitrary; 『문법』 indefinite; (변하기 쉬운) inconstant; mutable; variable; changeful; changeable.
    주거가 ~한 having no fixed abode / homeless / wandering.▷ 부정 관사[대명사] 『문법』 an indefinite article[pronoun].▷ 부정 기간 an uncertain duration; an indefinite period of time.▷ 부정맥 『生理』 an irregular pulse.▷ 부정 방정식 『數』 an indefinite[indeterminate] equation.▷ 부정법 『문법』 the infinitive mood.▷ 부정수 an indefinite number.▷ 부정 수입 an irregular[incidental] income.▷ 부정 적분 『數』 an indefinite integral.▷ 부정형 an indeterminate form.부정 [不貞] unchastity; unfaithfulness; inconstancy; incontinence; incontinency.
    ~하다 unchaste; unfaithful; faithless; false ; wanton.
    ~한 아내 an unfaithful wife.
    남편에게 ~한 짓을 하다 deceive[be unfaithful to] one's husband.
    나는 아내에게 ~한 짓을 했다 I was unfaithful to my wife.부정 [不淨]1 [불결] uncleanliness; dirtiness; filthiness; impurity; defilement.
    ~하다 unclean; dirty; filthy; (종교적으로) unholy; impure.
    ~한 돈 unclean money / ill-gotten money[gain] / <美> tainted money.2 (꺼려서 피할 때의) happening of an evil event (during one's unlucky day).3 『民俗』 the first stage of a shamanist rite.♣ 부정(을) 보다 witness an evil event during purification♣ 부정(을) 치다 perform the first stage of a shaman rite; perform shamanistic exorcism.♣ 부정(을) 타다 suffer an evil[a bad luck]; have[meet with] a misfortune.▷ 부정 풀이 exorcising the spirit of a dead out of his house.부정 [否定] (a) denial; (a) disavowal; (a) disclaimer; (a) contradiction; negation.
    이중 ~ 『문법』 a double negative.
    ~의[~적인] negative.
    ~하다 deny ; negative ; negate; gainsay; say no ; disown; disavow; contradict.
    ~할 수 없는 undeniable / incontestable / indisputable.
    ~할 수 없는 사실 an undeniable fact.
    그것은 ~할 수 없다 It cannot be denied. / There is no denying the fact.
    당국은 어디까지나 이 사실을 ~하고 있다 The authorities are positive in denying the fact.▷ 부정 관사 the indefinite article.▷ 부정 명제 [-命題] 『論』 a negative (proposition).▷ 부정문 『문법』 a negative sentence.▷ 부정어[사] 『문법』 a negative.▷ 부정 판단 『論』 a negation; a negative assertion[proposition].


  • He's also put a derog in your file.
    셔먼이 자네에게 부정 평가도 내렸어 - 뭐라고요?
  • We gonna run that negative pressure test again.
    또 한번 부정 압력 테스트를 실행하나?
  • Attention on the rig, negative pressure test is about to commence.
    모두 주목해주시기 바랍니다, 부정 압력 테스트를 곧 시작하겠습니다.
  • I can assure you, bruce, that wayne enterprises
    부정? 브루스, 정말 장담하건데 웨인기업은
  • -You're not healthy.You're in denial.
    -넌 건강하지 않아, 현실을 부정 할 뿐이지
  • We gonna run a negative pressure test.
    부정 압력 테스트를 진행하겠습니다.
  • We gonna run the negative pressure test, before we do anything else.
    다른 무엇보다도 우린 먼저 부정 압력 테스트를 실시할거야.
  • I'm on your side, people. I'm rooting for every one of you.
    부정 지금 부터 내가 하는 말은 듣기 힘들테지
  • There's no denying the tragedy that we've all endured here today.
    골프공만한 우박을 동반했습니다 우린 모두 견뎌냈지만 비극을 부정 할 수 없습니다
  • Another. Another negative pressure test.
    그래 또, 또 부정 압력 테스트야.
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