부조 영어로
"부조" 예문"부조" 뜻"부조" 중국어
영어 번역
- 부조 [父祖]
father and grandfather.부조 [不調] (건강·기운 등의) a bad condition; a disorder; a slump; (날씨 등의) unseasonableness; unfavorableness; irregularity.
~하다 (날씨 등이) unseasonable; unfavorable; irregular; (건강 등이) <서술적> be in a bad condition; be in disorder; be out of form(운동가가); be out of sorts; be not one's usual self.부조 [扶助] (결혼 때의) making[sending] a wedding[congratulatory] gift; contribution to the expenses of a wedding; (상가에 대한) offering condolence money[goods]; making[giving] a donation to help out a bereaved family; [조력] aid; help; assistance.
상호 ~ mutual aid / interdependence.
부모의 ~를 받다 depend on one's parents for support / receive financial help[support] from one's parents.
~는 않더라도 제상이나 치지 마라 <속담> Don't put a spoke in my wheel. / Don't put your finger into my pie.
~하다 offer goods[money] to help (to) perform a marriage[funeral] service; aid; help; render assistance.▷ 부조금 congratulatory money(결혼 때의); a solatium[condolence money]; a monetary token of condolence.
나는 그의 결혼 ~금으로 2만 원을 냈다 I gave him twenty thousand won as a wedding gift.부조 [浮彫] 『美』 relief; relievo; embossed carving.
얕은[높은] ~ low[high / grand] relief / bas-[alto-]relief.
~하다 emboss; carve[sculpture] in relief.
그는 부친의 옆얼굴을 ~했다 He carved a relief of his father's profile.▷ 부조 세공 raised[relief] work.
- 고부조 고부조 [高浮彫] high relief; alto-relievo. ~로 하다 carve in high relief / bring into high relief.
- 부조 (경마) Riding aids
- 부조리 부조리 [不條理] absurdity; irrationality; unreasonableness; improperness; 『哲』 absurde. ~를 제거하다 eliminate improperness / put straight. 사회의 ~를 제거하다 eliminate social absurdities. 회사 경리상의 ~를 제거하다 put the ac
- 부조화 부조화 [不調和] inharmoniousness; inharmony; disharmony; discord; discordance; incongruity; disparity; disagreement; dissonance; dissonancy. 색의 ~ inharmoniousness[disharmony] of colors. ~하다 inharmonious[d
- 부조리극 부조리극 Theatre of the Absurd
- 승부조작 승부조작 Match fixing
- 기계 따위의 부조 malfunction
- 부조 세공을 하다 emboss
- 부조 세공을 한 wrought
- 부조리물 Absurdist fiction
- 부조리한 ridiculous; disparate; absonous; jarring; absurd; nonsensical; antic; unreasonable; preposterous
- 부조종사 copilot
- 부조화의 bumpy; dissonant; inharmonious; negligible; inhomogeneous; discordant; patches; inharmonic
- 부조화한 사물 incongruity; incongruence; disproportionateness; irreconcilableness; incongruousness
- 상호부조 Mutual aid (organization theory)