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북방 영어로

"북방" 예문"북방" 뜻"북방" 중국어

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  • 북방 [北方]1 =북쪽.2 =북녘.3 [북쪽 지방] a northern district.▷ 북방 민족 a northern race.▷ 북방 영토 the northern territories.▷ 북방 정책 a northward policy.


  • You're not a northerner.
    북방 사람이 아니네요 You're not a northerner.
  • She belongs in the North.
    걔는 북방 사람이다
  • Aircraft in position seven six decimal three five North, zero five nine decimal five eight East...
    항공기 접근 중 북방 76.35도 동방 059.58도...
  • Northerners are free-spirited
    북방 사람들은 "호남형"!
  • All the Gentiles accepted the command of the king."
    ▶ 재연된 북방 왕과 남방 왕의 싸움 - 십자군전쟁
  • It will consume the kingdoms of the world.
    북방 왕국들을 말하고 있다 .
  • In Sapporo you can enjoy the traditional things about the land of the north!
    삿포로에서는 북방 지역에서만 즐길 수 있는 것들이 아주 많아요.
  • She shall be delivered into the hand of the people of d the north.
    24 딸 애굽이 수치를 당하여 북방 백성의 손에 붙임을 입으리로다
  • A medal was struck to commemorate the circumstance, by the express command of the king.
    32.심지어 누구까지도 북방 왕의 세력에 압도될 것이라고 예언되었는가?
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