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분하다 영어로

"분하다" 예문"분하다" 뜻

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  • 분하다 [扮-] =분장하다 (☞ 분장(扮裝)).분하다 [憤-]1 [원통하다] vexatious; mortifying; vexing; [화가 나다] <口> be mad at oneself.
    분한 마음 vexation / chagrin / mortification.
    분한 나머지 from[out of] spite / in one's mortification[vexation] / spurred by chagrin.
    분하게도 to one's chagrin.
    분하게 여기다[분해하다] be[feel] mortified[vexed / chagrined] / be frustrated / be angry with oneself.
    분해서 울다 cry in vexation.
    사람들 앞에서 매도를 당하다니 ~ It is mortifying to be called names in public.
    그것을 실행할 용기가 없다는 것이 ~ I am vexed at my own lack of courage to carry it out.
    그에게 감쪽같이 속은 것이 분하기 짝이 없다 I'm mad at myself for being so neatly[cleverly] taken in by him.
    우리는 경기에 져서 분했다 It chagrined us to lose the game.
    그는 발을 구르며 분해했다 He stamped the ground in vexation[frustration].
    나는 그 손실 때문에 ~ I am chagrined by the loss. / <文> I rue the loss.2 [섭섭하다] regrettable; regretful; sorry.
    그녀를 볼 기회를 놓쳐서 ~ I am sorry I missed the opportunity of seeing her.
    좀더 조심했더라면 하고 생각하니 ~ I deeply regret that I was not more careful. / How I wish I had been more careful!
  • ...에 충분하다    answer; be sufficient; be enough; serve; suffice
  • 게저분하다    게저분하다 dirty; unclean; soiled; laden with superfluous[dirty] things; disorderly.
  • 격분하다    rage; behave furiously
  • 구분하다    allocate; section; partition; divide
  • 구저분하다    구저분하다 filthy; squalid; sordid; dirty; shabby. 구저분한 빈민굴 a sordid slum.
  • 나다분하다    나다분하다 ☞ 너더분하다
  • 나분하다    나분하다 low(-flying); close to the ground. 나비가 나분히 날고 있다 A butterfly is flying low.
  • 너더분하다    너더분하다1 [지저분하다] untidy; disorderly; messy; be in disorder[out of order]; be at sixes and sevens; be a mess. 너더분한 방 a room in a mess / an untidy room. 이 방은 너더분하구나 This room is in a terrible mess. 너더분
  • 너저분하다    너저분하다 (모양이) shabby; untidy; disorderly; messy; squalid; (행실이) slovenly; slatternly; untidy; sloppy. 너저분한 방 an untidy room / a room in a mess. 너저분한 집 a shabby house. 방이 ~ The room is awfully in a mes
  • 따분하다    따분하다1 [느른하다] languid; weary; listless; dull; heavy; enervated. 따분한 오후 a slack afternoon. 날씨가 더워서 ~ The heat makes me feel languid.2 [생기 없다] irksome; wearisome; tedious; dull; insipid; boring; misera
  • 미분하다    differentiate
  • 배분하다    apportion; distribute; set apart; earmark; lay out; assign; divide; allocate
  • 분분하다    분분하다 [紛紛-] [소란하다] tumultuous; [어수선하다] complicated; scattered; pell-mell; [다르다] diverse; divergent; various; conflicting. 이 문제에 대해서 의견이 ~ There are various opinions about[Opinion is divided on] this
  • 불충분하다    insufficient
  • 사등 분하다    quarter


  • How mortifying it is to have a son who want to kill me.
    아이구, 원통하고, 분하다
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