불경스럽게 영어로
"불경스럽게" 예문
영어 번역
- insolently
- discourteously
- impolitely
- disrespectfully
- rudely
- 불경스러운 sacrilegist; ungodly; irreverent; blasphemous; impious; sacrilegious
- 불경스러운 말을 지껄이다 blaspheme
- 걱정스럽게 solicitously; unsettledly; eagerly
- 게걸스럽게 voraciously
- 경사스럽게 felicitously
- 고통스럽게 painful; smarting
- 만족스럽게 satisfactorily; sufficiently; adequately
- 불편 스럽게 하다 discommode
- 뻔뻔스럽게 impudently; courageously; straight-faced; daringly
- 사치스럽게 extravagantly; lavishly; excessively
- 상스럽게 meanly; vulgarly; obscenely; coarsely
- 수다스럽게 fluently; loquaciously; garrulously; volubly; talkatively
- 용맹스럽게 heroicly
- 의문스럽게 inquisitively; curiously
- 자랑스럽게 proudly
- Now at the risk of sounding blasphemous, forgive me, those arches have a lot in common with those buildings.
불경스럽게 들릴 수도 있는데... 용서하세요 저 아치는 그런 건물들과 공통점이 많아요