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붙갈이소리 영어로

"붙갈이소리" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • affricate sound
  • 갈이 소리    fricative sound
  • 갈이    갈이1 [목기(木器) 제작] making round-shaped wooden utensils on a turning lathe; turning wood on a lathe.▷ 갈이 공장 a turning shop.▷ 갈이 그릇 a turned wooden bowl.▷ 갈이 기계 a turning lathe.▷ 갈이방 a turning shop.▷ 갈이장
  • 갈이질    갈이질1 [논밭 가는 일] plowing; ploughing; tilling; cultivating. ~하다 plow[cultivate / till] ; put under cultivation[the plow].2 [목기 제작] turnery; lathe work; turning on a lathe. ~하다 operate a lathe.
  • 논갈이    논갈이 plowing[ ploughing] a rice field. ~하다 plow[till] a rice field.
  • 뒷갈이    뒷갈이 after-plowing[-ploughing]; plowing the field after harvesting.
  • 매갈이    매갈이 hulling rice; removing the hulls from rice. ~하다 remove the hulls from rice; hull[husk] rice.▷ 매갈잇간 [-間] a rice-hulling mill.▷ 매갈이 기계 a (rice) huller; a husker.
  • 물갈이    물갈이 『農』 plowing[ ploughing] a paddy with water in it. ~하다 plow a paddy with water in it.
  • 밭갈이    밭갈이 ~하다 plow[ plough / till] a field.
  • 봄갈이    봄갈이 spring plowing[ ploughing]. ~하다 do the spring plowing[ploughing].
  • 분갈이    Repotting
  • 삭갈이    삭갈이 『農』 preliminary plowing before transplanting (rice plants).
  • 앞갈이    앞갈이 『農』1 =애벌갈이 (☞ 애벌).2 [먼저 지은 농사] the first of the annual crops.
  • 얼갈이    얼갈이1 (논밭의) winter plowing[ ploughing].2 [겨울에 푸성귀를 심는 일] growing vegetables in the wintertime; [그 푸성귀] winter-grown vegetables; early vegetables of the year which were grown in the wintertime; winter
  • 이 갈이    Bruxism
  • 중갈이    중갈이 [中-] vegetables out of season.
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