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"삥글삥글" 뜻

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  • 삥글삥글 ☞ 빙글빙글1,2
  • 삥글거리다    삥글거리다 ☞ 빙글거리다
  • 삥그르르    삥그르르 ☞ 빙그르르
  • 삥긋    삥긋(이) ☞ 빙긋(이)
  • 삥 까이    Kai yang
  • 삥땅    삥땅 knocking down; pocketing; pilfering (of the proceeds). ~을 떼다 knock down .
  •     삥 ☞ 빙
  • 삥삥    삥삥 ☞ 빙빙
  •     sprain; wrick; wrench
  •     사1 [단춧구멍 등을 실로 감치기] a buttonhole stitch; buttonholing; hemstitching. ☞ 사뜨다사2 『樂』 G; sol. ~음 기호 a G clef. 올림[내림]~ G sharp[flat].사 [巳] 『民俗』1 [십이지의 여섯째] the Snake(=the sixth of the twelve signs of the
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