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사불일몰유 영어로

"사불일몰유" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Four Noes and One Without
  • 사요일몰유    Four Wants and One Without
  • 일몰    일몰 [日沒] sunset; sundown. ~전[후] before[after] sunset / before[after] dark. ~경 about[toward] sunset. 일출에서 ~까지 from sunup to sundown. ~이 되자 거리에는 인적이 끊겼다 As soon as the sun set the street became empty
  • 사불상    Père David's deer
  • 불일간    불일간 [不日間] =불일내(不日內).
  • 불일내    불일내 [不日內] [오래지 아니하여] shortly; soon; before long; in a short time; in a few days; one of these days.
  • 불일치    불일치 [不一致] disagreement; [불화] discord; discordance; [일관성이 없음] inconsistency; [통일성이 없음] lack of unity; dissonance; incongruity; inconformity; dissidence. 언행의 ~ discordance between one's words and one'
  • 지불일    payday
  • 마지막 일몰    The Last Sunset (film)
  • 함몰유두    Inverted nipple
  • 매사불성    매사 불성 [每事不成] failure in every attempt[undertaking]. ~하다 fail in every attempt[undertaking].
  • 무사불참    무사 불참 [無事不參] ~하다 poke[put / thrust / stick] one's nose into everything; meddle in everything; be nosy.
  • 사불여의    사불 여의 [事不如意] ~하다 fall short of one's expectations.
  • 인사불성    인사 불성 [人事不省] [기절] unconsciousness; loss of consciousness; stupor; insensibility. ~의 unconscious. ~에 빠지다 faint / become unconscious / pass out. 그는 3일 동안 ~이었다 He was in a coma for three days. 그는 ~에서
  • 인사불성의    sleepiness; cock eyed; stuporous; semi-conscious; muddleheaded
  • 일사불란    일사 불란 [一絲不亂] ~하다 well-ordered; thoroughly consistent; be in perfect[strict] order. ~한 논조 a thoroughly logical[consistent] argument. ~한 팀워크 fine team work. ~하게 in perfect order. 그들은 ~하게 행진했다 They ma
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