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"새치" 예문"새치" 뜻"새치" 중국어

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  • 새치 a gray[white] hair in youth.
    ~를 뽑다 pull out a white hair.
    그는 ~가 많다 Though young, he has gray streaks of hair.
  • 새치 새치    Billfish
  • 녹새치    Indo-Pacific blue marlin
  • 돛새치    돛새치 『魚』 a sailfish.
  • 청새치    청새치 [靑-] 『魚』 a (blue) marlin; a spearfish.
  • 황새치    황새치 [黃-] 『魚』 a swordfish; a broadbill.▷ 황새치자리 『天』 the Swordfish; Dorado.
  • 흑새치    Black marlin
  • 긴부리새치    Longbill spearfish
  • 단문청새치    Shortbill spearfish
  • 돛새치과    Istiophoridae
  • 돛새치목    Istiophoriformes
  • 브룩 새치웰    Brooke Satchwell
  • 새치기하다    새치기하다 break into the queue; cut in; jump the queue; snatch . 새치기하지 마시오 In order, please.
  • 새치름하다    새치름하다1 [냉랭한 기색이 있다] standoffish; prim; look prim; assume a prim air. 새치름해져서 with one's nose in the air / demurely. 놀림을 받자 그녀는 갑자기 새치름해졌다 Being chaffed at, she straightened her face suddenly.2 ☞ 부루퉁
  • 새치부리다    새치부리다 be overly profuse in standing on ceremony; behave oneself with reserve; pretend diffidence; keep saying "no thank you". 새치부리지 말고 술 좀 마셔라 Can't I twist your arm into having a little more to dri
  • 워새치군    Wasatch County, Utah


  • Available format simple, circular, for giant tuna and marlin fishing.
    사용 가능한 형식 간단, 원형, 거 대 한 참치, 청 새치 낚시에 대 한.
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