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생육 영어로

"생육" 예문"생육" 뜻"생육" 중국어

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  • 생육 [生育] birth and breeding; [발육] growth; development.
    ~하다 [키우다] grow; raise; [자라다] grow (up); be born and bred[brought up].▷ 생육기 『植』 a growing[vegetative] period.▷ 생육지 『生』 the habitat.
  • 생육지    home; habitat
  • 부생육기    Six Records of a Floating Life
  • 생육 가능한    viable
  • 생원    생원 [生員] (옛날의) a person who passed the minor civil examination; (존칭) mister(略 Mr.); esquire(略 Esq.)
  • 생울타리    생울타리 [生-] =산울타리.
  • 생우유    생우유 [生牛乳] raw milk.
  • 생연주    생연주 [生演奏] a live performance. ~의 녹음 a live recording. 유명한 악단의 ~ a live performance[live music performed] by a well-known band. ~하다 perform live.
  • 생으로    생으로 [生-]1 [날로] raw; fresh; uncooked. 생선을 ~ 먹다 eat fish raw[fresh]. 당근을 ~ 먹다 eat a carrot uncooked.2 [무리하게] by force; forcibly; compulsorily; willy-nilly; against one's will; [부당하게] unreasonably; irr
  • 생업    생업 [生業] an occupation; a profession; a calling; a business; a trade; a vocation. 농사를 ~으로 삼다 make a living by farming / be a farmer by trade / make a livelihood out of farming[as a farmer].▷ 생업 자금 a
  • 생의 애욕    Something to Live For (film)
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