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서방권 영어로

"서방권" 예문"서방권" 중국어

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  • Western Bloc
  • 서방    서방 [西方] [서쪽] the west; [서쪽 지방] western districts; [나라] western countries; [서유럽의 자유주의 국가] the West. ~측[편] a pro-Western / a pro-Westerner. ~측 진영 the Western camp[bloc]. 동방에서 ~으로의 망명 flight from the E
  • 기둥 서방    gigolo
  • 된서방    된서방 [-書房] an overbearing[a domineering / a cruel] husband. ~(을) 맞다 get married to a brute / be treated harshly[cruelly].
  • 새서방    새서방 [-書房] ☞ 신랑
  • 샛서방    샛서방 [-書房] a paramour; an adulterer; a secret lover.
  • 서방 계획    Plan West
  • 서방님    male spouse; husband
  • 서방에    westerly; toward the west; westward; west; westwards
  • 서방의    westerly; western; occiduous
  • 서방질    서방질 [書房-] adultery (of a married woman); cuckolding. ~하다 cuckold[deceive] one's husband; commit adultery.
  • 후서방    후서방 [後書房] =후부(後夫).
  • 반서방 감정 반서방 감정    Anti-Western sentiment
  • 서방 기독교 서방 기독교    Western Christianity
  • 기둥서방    기둥 서방 [-書房] a fancy man ; a guardian lover ; a gigolo ; [포주] a pander; a pimp.
  • 깎은서방님    깎은 서방님 a smartly dressed young man.


  • Poland was busy with the Polish-Soviet War and therefore was unable to form an Olympic team.
    폴란드 는 폴란드-소비에트 전쟁 의 여파로 인해 불참했으며 러시아 는 서방권 국가들의 봉쇄 조치로 인해 불참했다.
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