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스비프다그 영어로

"스비프다그" 예문

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  • Svipdagr
  • 비프    비프 beef. 로스트 ~ roast beef.▷ 비프가스 a beef cutlet.▷ 비프스테이크 (a) steak; (a) beefsteak.▷ 비프 스튜 beef stew.
  • 다그    Dagr
  • 스비    shepi; zephi
  • 고프다    고프다 hungry; famished. 배가 ~ be hungry / feel[get] hungry.
  • 부프다    부프다1 [부피가 크나 가볍다] bulky; voluminous. 부픈 짐 a bulky package. 그것은 부프나 가볍다 It is bulky but light.2 [성급하다] hasty; impatient; rash. 그는 성미가 부픈 사람이다 He is a rash person.
  • 슬프다    슬프다1 (마음이) sad; sorrowful; unhappy; doleful; mournful; miserable. 슬픈 목소리 a plaintive[sorrowful] voice. 슬픈 표정[모습] a sad look[countenance / face]. 슬픈 나머지 in (the excess of) one's sorrow[grief]. 슬픈 생각
  • 아프다    아프다1 (육체적으로) painful; sore(염증 등으로); hurt; [욱신거리다] prickle; feel prickly; smart; ache. 아픈 상처 a painful wound. 가슴이 ~ I have a pain in my chest. / [죄는 듯하다] I feel something pressing[as if something is
  • 헤프다    헤프다1 (물건이) not durable; soon used up; do not stand long use[give a long service]; do not last long; go fast. 요새 돈이~ Money doesn't go far these days. 이 비누는 ~ This soap doesn't last long.2 (씀씀이가) une
  • 고베 비프    Kobe beef
  • 비프 태넌    Biff Tannen
  • 비프음    Beep (sound)
  • 콘드 비프    corned beef
  • 콘비프    corned beef
  • 다그다    다그다1 [가까이 옮기다] bring near; draw near; put[bring] close . 촛불을 가까이 ~ bring a candle closer to oneself. 그는 난롯가로 의자를 다가놓았다 He drew[moved] his chair near the fire.2 [앞당기다] (날짜 등을) advance; move[carry] u
  • 다그마    Dagmar
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