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  • 시집 [媤-] one's husband's home[family]; the family a woman marries into; <口> a woman's in-laws.
    ~ 식구들 a woman's in-laws.
    ~에서 쫓겨나다 be compelled to leave her husband's home.시집 [詩集] a collection of poems; collected poems; an anthology(명시선).
    「키츠 ~」 (저서명) The Poetic Works[The Collected Poems] of Keats.
  • 나라별 시집    Poetry collections by nationality
  • 독일의 시집    German poetry collections
  • 서동시집    West–östlicher Divan
  • 시집 보내다    marry off; espouse
  • 시집가다    시집가다 [媤-] marry ; be[get] married to ; take a husband. 좋은 데로 ~ marry[be married] well / get well married / make a good marriage. 시집간 여자 a married woman. 시집갈 준비를 하다 prepare for marriage. 그녀는 상인한테 시집갔
  • 시집보내다    시집보내다 [媤-] give (away) in marriage; marry ; marry off. 작년에 큰 딸을 시집보냈다 I gave my oldest daughter in marriage last year.
  • 시집살이    시집살이 [媤-] a woman's married life[housekeeping] (in the home of her husband's parents). ~를 잘하다 keep house well (in one's parents-in-law's home). ~에 고생하다 lead a hard married life (in one's parents-in-
  • 악의 꽃 (시집)    Les Fleurs du mal
  • 영국의 시집    British poetry collections
  • 일본의 시집    Japanese poetry collections
  • 중국의 시집    Chinese poetry collections
  • 프랑스의 시집    French poetry collections
  • 서동시집 관현악단    West–Eastern Divan Orchestra
  • 시질로    Sigillo
  • 시질 펠라자란 말레이시아    Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia


  • I came to this island when I was 15.
    나가 이 섬에 열 다섯에 시집 와 갖고
  • "Like biography of Konyo Aoki" "or Mallarme's poetry."
    그것도 아오키 전기나 어려운 시집 같은 걸요
  • Just a year after I got married
    시집 간 지 1년만에 남편이란 인간은
  • Mama got married so that you will not go hungry.
    엄마가 시집 온 건 널 배곯리지 않으려고 시집 온 거야
  • Mama got married so that you will not go hungry.
    엄마가 시집 온 건 널 배곯리지 않으려고 시집 온 거야
  • Spare me the split personality act, I'd rather die than marrying the Joker.
    이게 다중인격으로 날 속여? 죽어도 시집 안 가?
  • Well, she'll be wasted here.
    이런 곳에 시집 오다니 낭비야
  • She's 17, she's an orphan... and it's high time she was married.
    열일곱이고 고아요 시집 갈 나이죠
  • Noorie should get married.
    누리도 시집 보내야 할 거 아냐!
  • Pablo Neruda. But why bother?
    파블로 시집 글귀야
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