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실제적임 영어로

"실제적임" 뜻"실제적임" 중국어

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  • pragmatism
  • 실제적    실제적 [實際的] practical; matter-of-fact; businesslike. ~인[이 아닌] 사람 a practical[an impractical] man. ~인 의견 a practical view. ~으로 in a practical manner / in a matter-of-fact style.
  • 국제적임    internationalness
  • 비실제적인    not useful; not practical; unpractical
  • 실제적 지식    know how; savvy
  • 실제적이 아닌    impractical
  • 실제적인    unmiraculous; workday; diurnal; businesslike; unexotic; common; workaday; nonexceptional; untheatrical; nondramatic; unamazing
  • 실제적인 것    practicality
  • 실제적인 사항    practicality
  • 실제적인 일    pragmatic
  • 실제적이 아닌일    impracticalness; nonviability
  • 실제적 의의를 잃게 하다    moot
  • 문제의 실제적 의의를 잃게 하다    moot
  • 적임    적임 [適任]1 [알맞음·알맞은 임무] fitness; suitability; competence. ~이 아닌 unfit / inadequate / unqualified / incompetent / inept. ~이다 be fit[suitable] / be suited / be well qualified / be competent . 수학 교사로
  • 실제    실제 [實弟] =친아우.실제 [實際] [사실] the (exact) truth; a fact; [실정] an actual state; the actual condition of things; [실지] practice; [현실] reality; actuality. ~의[적인] practical / actual / real / [사실상의] virtual /
  • 제적    제적 [除籍] removal of a person's name from . 학교에서 ~을 당하다 be expelled from school. ~ 학생을 복귀시키다 reinstate the students expelled from school. ~하다 remove[cross out / cross off] name from ; strike a person'
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