로그인 회원가입

십자뜨기 영어로


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  • cross-stitch
  • 뜨기    -뜨기 one; guy; thing; fellow. 사팔~ a cross-eyed[squint-eyed] person. 시골~ a hick / a country bumpkin. 칠~ a moron / an idiot. 얼~ a half-wit.
  • 겉뜨기    plain
  • 낱뜨기    낱뜨기 articles[merchandise] sold by the piece.
  • 쇠뜨기    쇠뜨기 『植』 a field horsetail.
  • 실뜨기    실뜨기 cat's-cradle. ~하다 play cat's cradle.
  • 얼뜨기    얼뜨기 [정신이 얼뜬 사람] a half-wit; a dimwit; an idiot; a ninny; a dunce; a blockhead. 이 ~야 You idiot! / What an ass you are!
  • 엇뜨기    엇뜨기 a squint-[cross-]eyed person; a squint-eye; a squinter.
  • 촌뜨기    촌뜨기 [村-] a rustic; a countryman; a bumpkin; a person from the country. ~ 같은 여자 a boorish[countrified-looking] girl. ~ 짓을 하다 commit untraveled man's blunders.
  • 칠뜨기    칠뜨기 [七-] ☞ 칠삭둥이
  • 십자    십자 [十字] a cross. ~로 crosswise. ~를 긋다 cross oneself / cross one's heart / make the sign of the cross on one's breast.▷ 십자로 a crossroads; crossing[intersecting] streets. ~로에 서다 stand[be] at a crossroa
  • 겉뜨기의    plain
  • 모들뜨기    모들뜨기 a cross-eyed person; a convergent squinter.▷ 모들뜨기눈 a cross-eye; a convergent squint.
  • 바느질 뜨기    Sewing stitches
  • 사팔뜨기    사팔뜨기 a squint-eyed[cross-eyed] person; a squint-eye; a squinter. ~의 squint-eyed. 그는 ~다 He has a bad squint.
  • 사팔뜨기의    cock eye; off-kilter; wopperjawed; cock eyed; lopsided; cattywampus; skewampus; skiwampus
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