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양방향반사도분포함수 영어로

"양방향반사도분포함수" 예문"양방향반사도분포함수" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Bidirectional reflectance distribution function
  • 입도분포 곡선    Particle-size distribution
  • 양방향 텍스트    complex script
  • 양방향(의)    bidi; bidirectional
  • 분포 함수    Distribution function
  • 포함 함수    Inclusion map
  • 본드반사도    Bond albedo
  • 누적 분포 함수    Cumulative distribution function
  • 일방향함수    One-way function
  • 경험적 누적 분포 함수    Empirical distribution function
  • 양방    양방 [兩方] both; both parties[sides]; the two; (부정) neither . ☞ 쌍방(雙方)
  • 분포    분포 [分布] (a) distribution. 동식물의 ~ the geographical distribution of plants and animals. 수직[수평] ~ vertical[horizontal] distribution. 인구 ~ the spread of population. ~하다 be distributed; range . 전 세계에 ~하고
  • 반사    반사 [反射] reflection; reflexion; reverberation. 난 ~ diffused reflection. 전~ total reflection. 조건 ~ a conditioned reflex[response]. ~적 reflecting / reflective / reflexive. ~적으로 reflectively / reflexiv
  • 방향    방향 [方向]1 [향하는 쪽] a direction; bearings; a quarter; a situation; a way; a point of the compass; (진행의) a course; a line. 무선 ~ 탐지 radio-direction-finding(略 R.D.F). 조류의 ~ the drift of a current. 옳은 ~ t
  • 연도분    Passage grave
  • 사도    사도 [邪道] [그릇된 길] an evil way; an evil course; a wrong course; vice. ~에 빠지다 be led astray / go astray[wrong] / stray from the right path[the path of virtue] / deviate from virtue / err[wander] from th
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