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업무일지 영어로

"업무일지" 예문

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • book-keeping
  • clerking
  • general ledger
  • ledger
  • 업무 일지    journal
  • 업무 일지 할당량    journal quota
  • 업무 일지 항목    journal entry
  • 일지    일지 [日誌] a diary; a journal. ☞ 일기(日記) 학급[작업] ~ a diary record of one's class[work]. 항해~ a log(book). 병상~ a diary written on one's sickbed / a patient's diary. 임상 ~ a physician's diary. 여행 ~ a travel
  • 업무    업무 [業務] business (affairs); service; operation; (임무로서의) duties. 철도 수송 ~ railroad transportation service. ~용의 for business use[purposes]. ~상의 전화 business calls. ~상의 비밀 trade secrets. ~를 게을리 하다 neglec
  • 근무일    working time; working hours; day; hours of work; man-day
  • 무일라    Mouila
  • 무일물    무일물 [無一物] having nothing; being penniless. 그는 집에 ~이다 He has got practically nothing in the house to claim for his own. / He is as poor as a church mouse.
  • 무일푼    무일푼 [無一-] pennilessness. ~의 penniless / broke. ~이 되다 become penniless / go (clean) broke. 나는 오늘 ~이다 I don't have a penny today. / I'm clean broke today. 그는 돈을 다 써버려 ~이 되었다 He spent his last penny
  • 사무일    Samuel of Bulgaria
  • 공정 일지    log
  • 변경 일지    change journal
  • 하일지    Hailji
  • 항공 일지    logbook
  • 병참 업무    logistics; supply
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