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우한화난수산물도매시장 영어로

"우한화난수산물도매시장" 중국어

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  • Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market
  • 도매시장    Wholesale markets
  • 수산물    marine products
  • 농수산물    농수산물 [農水産物] agricultural and marine products; agrofishery products; agro-marine items. ~의 가격 안정 the price stabilization of agricultural and fisheries products.
  • 반여농산물시장역    Banyeo Agricultural Market station
  • 화난    화난 [禍難] [재앙] a disaster; a calamity; [환난] an evil; a trouble.
  • 난수    난수 [亂數] random numbers.▷ 난수표 a table of random numbers.
  • 노량진수산시장    Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market
  • 도매    도매 [都賣] wholesale trade. ~와 소매(小賣) wholesale and retail. 물건을 ~로 사다[팔다] buy[sell] goods wholesale. ~로 사서 소매하다 buy wholesale and sell retail. 현재 달걀은 ~로 한 줄에 3,000원이다 Now eggs sell wholesale for 3,000
  • 한화    한화 [閑話] chatting; gossip; idle talk. ~하다 talk idly; chat; gossip.▷ 한화 휴제 [-休題] Now let's come to the point. 그러면 ~ 휴제하고 (본론으로 돌아가자) Well, let's get back to the subject[so much for digressions].한화 [韓貨
  • 산물    산물 [産物]1 [산출물] a product; a production; produce. 주요 ~ staple products[produce]. 그 지방의 ~로는 이렇다 할 것이 없다 The district produces nothing worth mentioning.2 [어떤 결과로 얻어지는 것] a result; a fruit; an outgrowt
  • 우한    wuhan
  • 매시    매시 [每時] every hour; per hour. ~ 200킬로[마일]의 속도로 at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour[200-mph / 200 m.p.h.].
  • 수산    수산 [水産]▷ 수산 가공품 processed marine products.▷ 수산국 a fishing country; one of the nations that are richest in marine products.▷ 수산 대학[학교] a fisheries college[school].▷ 수산물 marine[aquatic] products.▷ 수산
  • 화난 물    aerated water
  • 화난 얼굴    angry face
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