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유연승 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Yoo Yeon-seung
  • 연승    연승 [延繩] =주낙.▷ 연승 어선 a long-liner.▷ 연승 어업 longline fishing; long-lining.연승 [連乘] 『數』 continual multiplication. ~하다 multiply continually.▷ 연승적 [-積] a continued product.연승 [連勝] straight[consecutive / su
  • 유연    유연 [油煙] lamp soot[smoke]; lampblack; carbon. ~으로 까맣게 된 램프의 등피 a lamp chimney blackened with soot. 램프에서 ~이 피어오르고 있다 The lamp is smoking.유연 [柔軟] softness; pliability; pliancy; flexibility; plasticity.
  • 연승 썰매    bobsled
  • 연전연승    연전 연승 [連戰連勝] a succession[series] of victories. ~하다 win[gain] consecutive[a series of] victories; win every battle one fights; win battle after battle. 3일간 ~한 레슬링 선수 a wrestler who won his bouts for
  • 김유연    Kim Yu-yeon
  • 박유연    Park Yu-yeon
  • 유연 (나라)    Rouran Khaganate
  • 유연 (전조)    Liu Yuan (Han Zhao)
  • 유연 체조    set up
  • 유연미    Yoo Yeon-mi
  • 유연석    Yoo Yeon-seok
  • 유연성    pliancy; plasticity; motivation; ductility; malleability; malleableness; pliability
  • 유연제    fabric softener
  • 유연탄    유연탄 [有煙炭] 『鑛』 soft[bituminous] coal.
  • 유연한    lithe; pliant; limp; yielding; lissom; lithesome; sinuous; lissome
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