유유하다 영어로
"유유하다" 뜻"유유하다" 중국어
영어 번역
- 유유하다 [悠悠-]1 [움직임이 한가하다] slow; leisurely; deliberate; [침착하다] quiet; calm; composed; sedate.
지진이 일어났어도 그는 유유했다 Even when the earthquake hit he remained quite calm[composed].
유유히 [마음 편히] at ease; in comfort; [여유 만만하게] slowly; in a leisurely way[manner]; deliberately; [침착하게] quietly; calmly; composedly; with composure; serenely in a quiet[self-possessed] manner.
떠날 시간인데도 그는 유유히 신문을 읽고 있었다 He was reading a newspaper in a leisurely manner even though it was time to leave.
그는 모자를 쓰고 나서 유유히 걸어갔다 Putting on his hat, he walked away in a leisurely manner[with slow[deliberate] steps].
우리는 적을 눈앞에 두고도 유유히 식사를 했다 We sat down composedly to a hearty meal in the face of the enemy.
나는 유유히 담배를 피우고 있었다 I was smoking at ease.2 [멀고 아득하다] eternal; endless; boundless; vast; remote; far-off.
유유히 eternally; endlessly; remotely; vastly.
- 유하다 유하다 [留-] [머물러 묵다] stay ; stop ; lodge ; put up . 하룻밤 ~ stay overnight / stop (for) the night / take a lodging for the night. 친구 집에 ~ stay at a friend's (house) / stay with a friend.유하다 [柔-]1 [부드럽다]
- ...에 비유하다 equate; liken
- 경유하다 pass through
- 고유하다 natural; intrinsic; inherent; essential; fundamental; innate
- 공유하다 hold; share; own
- 권유하다 solicit; induce; persuade
- 만유하다 tour; sightsee; voyage; travel
- 보유하다 supplement; reserve; hold
- 부유하다 rich; wealthy
- 비유하다 liken; compare to; compare
- 설유하다 admonish; reprove; warn; scold
- 소유하다 hold; possess; own
- 야유하다 boo; barrack; hoot; heckle; catcall; make fun of
- 에 권유하다 summon
- 에 비유하다 liken