육부 영어로
"육부" 예문"육부" 뜻
영어 번역
- 육부 [六腑] the six internal organs.
- 교육부 교육부 [敎育部] the Ministry of Education; the Education Ministry. ~ 검정필 approved by the Ministry of Education.▷ 교육부 장관 the Minister of Education; the Education Minister.
- 체육부 Ministry of Sports
- 미국 교육부 United States Department of Education
- 발육부전의 failed; miscarrying; stamen; misborn; abortive; stillborn; unsuccessful; sterile; fruitless; abortional
- 발육부진전 undergrowth; underwood
- 불구 발육부전 value voter; abortment; abortion
- 삼성육부제 Three Departments and Six Ministries
- 영국 교육부 Department for Education
- 오장육부 오장 육부 [五臟六腑] five viscera and six entrails; the internal organs and the bowels. ~가 없는 사람 a backboneless person / a spiritless man. 그 놈의 말을 들으니 ~가 뒤집힌다 His words make my blood boil. ~가 뒤틀리는 것 같았다 It
- 태국 교육부 Ministry of Education (Thailand)
- 국군체육부대 국군체육부대 Korea Armed Forces Athletic Corps
- 대한민국 교육부 Ministry of Education (South Korea)
- 태국 관광체육부 Ministry of Tourism and Sports (Thailand)
- 하와이 주교육부 Hawaii State Department of Education