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육조단경 영어로

"육조단경" 예문"육조단경" 중국어

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  • Platform Sutra
  • 단경    단경 [短徑] 『數』 =짧은지름.단경 [斷經] menopause. ~기(期) the (time of) menopause / the climacteric. ~하다 go through menopause; one's menstruation ceases.
  • 육조    six ministries of joseon
  • 조단 카버    Jordan Carver
  • 단경기    단경기 [端境期] a between season; an off crop[a pre-harvest] season.
  • 육조 시대    Six Dynasties
  • 육조류    Terrestrornithes
  • 천국의 사도 조단    Here Comes Mr. Jordan
  • 단경왕후    Queen Dangyeong
  • 교육조교    Teaching assistant
  • 육정전기    Legend of Lu Zhen
  • 육종    육종 [肉腫] [종양] a tumor; 『醫』 a sarcoma . 등뼈에 ~이 생겼다 A sarcoma[(malignant) tumor] has formed on the backbone.육종 [育種] breeding. 교배 ~ breeding by crossing. 교잡 ~ breeding by hybridization. ~하다 breed.▷ 육종학
  • 육정    육정 [肉情] =육욕(肉慾).
  • 육중    육중 [肉重] ~하다 (부피가) bulky and heavy; massive; ponderous; (체격이) heavily built; stout. 참나무로 만든 ~한 문 a stoutly-built oak door. ~한 걸음걸이 a heavy tread / a clamp. 체격이 ~한 사람 a massively built man. ~한 건물 a ma
  • 육점타    sixer
  • 육중 결합    Sextuple bond
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