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응어리 영어로

"응어리" 예문"응어리" 뜻"응어리" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 응어리를 빼내는    cored
  • 응어리를 빼내다    core
  • 어리    어리1 『建』 a doorframe; a doorcase.어리2 (병아리의) a hencoop; a chicken coop.▷ 어리장사 poultry[fowl] peddling.▷ 어리장수 a poultry[fowl] peddler.
  • 기어리    Geary
  • 덩어리    덩어리1 [뭉쳐진 덩이] a lump; a mass; a clod; a gobbet ; a dollop . 얼음~ a lump of ice / pack ice(큰 것). 흙~ a clod[lump / mass] of earth. 석탄~ a lump of coal. 핏~ a clot of blood. 고기[빵]~ a chunk[hunk] of meat[
  • 벙어리    벙어리1 (말 못하는) a mute; a dumb person; a dummy; [농아] a deaf-mute. ~의 dumb / mute. ~처럼 잠자코 in stony silence. ~ 시늉을 하다 play dumb / play the dummy. ~가 되다 become[fall] dumb. ~ 냉가슴 앓듯 하다 suffer in silence.
  • 어리광    어리광 a child's winning ways; playing the baby.♣ 어리광 부리다[떨다 / 피우다] play the baby ; behave like a spoilt child. ~만 부리는 아이 a spoilt[pampered] child.
  • 어리다    어리다11 [눈물이 괴다]. 눈에 눈물이 ~ one's eyes swim[dim / moisten / glisten] with tears / tears stand[there are tears] in one's eyes / tears come to[gather in] one's eyes / be moved to tears / be going to shed
  • 어리전    어리전 [-廛] a poultry shop.
  • 에어리    Airy
  • 정어리    정어리 『魚』 a sardine .
  • 페어리    fay; spirit; fairy; elf
  • 어리어리하다    어리어리하다 (정신이) dim; hazy; vague; indistinct; (눈이) dazzled; dazed. 내 눈이 ~ My eyes are dazzled. / The light dazzles my eyes.
  • 치어리딩 치어리딩    Cheerleading
  • 페어리즈 페어리즈    Fairies (Japanese group)
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