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이웃 영어로

"이웃" 예문"이웃" 뜻"이웃" 중국어

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  • 이웃 [근처] the neighborhood[vicinity]; [접한 곳] the next door; [이웃집 사람] a (next-door) neighbor.
    ~ 나라들 the surrounding[neighboring / adjoining] countries.
    ~ 읍[고을] the nearest[next] town / a neighboring town.
    ~ 돕기 운동 a help-your-neighbor campaign.
    ~ 사랑 love of one's neighbor / good Samaritanism.
    ~에 있는 neighboring / nearby.
    ~과 사이가 좋다[나쁘다] get along well[badly] with one's neighbors.
    김 씨가 ~에 이사해 왔다 Mr. Kim has moved into the neighborhood.
    저 집 개는 밤에 짖어 대기 때문에 ~ 사람들이 모두 싫어한다 Their dog barks at night, and bothers everyone in the neighborhood.
    ~하다 neighbor ; adjoin (each other); be next door to each other.
    나는 그와 ~해서 살고 있다 I live next door to him.▷ 이웃 사촌 a good neighbor.
    먼 친척보다 ~ 사촌이 낫다 <속담> A good neighbor is better than a brother far off.▷ 이웃집 a next-door[a neighboring / an adjacent] house; a neighbor's house; the house next door.


  • Neighborhood crime blogs that Claire has been reading.
    알렉스! 다시 가져와 클레어가 읽고있는 이웃 범죄 블로그야
  • Can't you just be like a friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man?
    너는 그냥 친근감있는 이웃 Spider-Man처럼 될 수 없어?
  • Whoa! I can't tell what was what.
    이웃 사람들한테 그러는 거 보였다간 조심스럽지 못하다고 책잡히기 일쑤야
  • And we all start finding out how the neighbors taste.
    그러면 우리 모두 이웃 사람의 맛이 어떤지 알게되겠죠
  • The neighbor said you came home every day at lunchtime.
    이웃 말로는 매일 점심을 집에 와 먹었다던데...
  • Your neighbor, the-the-the grocery store manager, that-that-that chicken-- right there!
    이웃 말이야 시.. 식.. 식품가게 매니저
  • You have a blog that I could follow?
    10초 이웃 추천하고 싶은데 블로그 없어요?
  • They've been dead for 5 days.
    이웃 중에 아무도 범인이 집에서 나오는 걸 못 봤답니다
  • Let me think, six neighborhood watch meetings.
    어디 보자 6번이나 이웃 감시 모임에
  • The poor woman has been shunned by everyone in this neighborhood.
    그 여잔 이 동네 이웃 모두에게 멸시당하고 있다고
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