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재계식 영어로


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  • lustrum
  • 재계    재계 [財界] [금융계] the financial world; financial circles; [경제계] the economic world; economic circles; [실업계] the business world; business circles. ~의 거물 a leading financier[businessman] / a tycoon. ~의 위
  • 재계산    recomputation
  • 재계의    purificatory
  • 목욕재계    목욕 재계 [沐浴齋戒] ablutions; a purification ceremony. ~하다 bathe one's body and purify oneself; perform[make] one's ablutions. ~하고 기도하다 offer prayers after purifying oneself[performing purification rites
  • 기계식 계산기    Mechanical calculators
  • 기계식 조준기    Iron sights
  • 기계식 퍼즐    Mechanical puzzles
  • 맥스웰 관계식    Maxwell relations
  • 단계식 연소 사이클    Staged combustion cycle
  • 단계식 연소 사이클 로켓 엔진    Rocket engines using the staged combustion cycle
  • 유엔세계식량계획    World Food Programme
  • 오스트발트-드 웰 관계식    Power-law fluid
  • 플랑크-아인슈타인 관계식    Planck–Einstein relation
  • 재경기    Replay (sports)
  • 재고    재고 [再考] reconsideration. ~를 촉구[요청]하다 urge[ask] to reconsider. ~를 요함 ad referendum. ~의 여지가 없다 There is no room for reconsideration. ~하다 reconsider; think over again. ~한 결과 on reflection / on second
  • 재경    재경 [在京] staying[being / residing] in Seoul. ~시에는 국립 박물관에 자주 갔었다 During my stay in Seoul[While in Seoul], I often went to the Seoul National Museum. ~하다 stay in Seoul; be[reside] in Seoul.▷ 재경 동창생 al
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