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저작자임 영어로

"저작자임" 뜻

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  • origination
  • authorship
  • 저작자    scribe; writer
  • 작자 불명의 저작    pseudonym; alias
  • 저작자표시 틀    Attribution templates
  • 의 작자임을 인정하다    own
  • 자임    자임 [自任] [스스로 자신을 훌륭하다고 여김] pretension; self-regard. ~하다 regard[look upon] oneself ; consider[profess] oneself ; fancy oneself . 그는 천재로 ~하고 있다 He regards himself as[considers himself (to be) / fancie
  • 저작    저작 [咀嚼] [음식물을 씹음] mastication; chewing. ~하다 masticate; chew. 음식물을 잘 ~하다 chew one's food well[thoroughly].▷ 저작력 digestive power.▷ 저작근 [-筋] a muscle of mastication.▷ 저작구 [-口] 『昆』 the manducatory appar
  • 작자    작자 [作者]1 =소작인.2 [저자] an author; (소설 등의) a writer; (시인) a poet; (그림·조각 등의) an artist; (각본가) a dramatist; a playwright. ~ 불명의 anonymous / authorless. 이 소설의 ~는 하디이다 This novel was written by Hardy.3 [남
  • 남자임    virility; manhood
  • 노린 자임    Naureen Zaim
  • 여자임    femininity; womanhood
  • 장자임    primogeniture
  • 노동자임    peonage; labor
  • 리보자임    Ribozyme
  • 리소자임    Lysozyme
  • 소유자임    ownership
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