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전호속 영어로

"전호속" 중국어

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  • Anthriscus
  • 전호    전호 [前號] [앞의 호수] the last[preceding] issue[number]. ~까지의 줄거리 an outline of the story up to the last[preceding] number. ~에서 계속 Continued from the last issue (of the magazine).
  • 시호속    Bupleurum
  • 전혜진 (1988년)    Jeon Hye-jin (actress, born 1988)
  • 전홍숙    Qian Chu
  • 전혜진 (1976년)    Jeon Hye-jin (actress, born 1976)
  • 전홍종    Qian Hongzong
  • 전혜진    Jeon Hye-jin
  • 전홍좌    Qian Hongzuo
  • 전혜숙    Jun Hye-sook
  • 전화    전화 [電化] electrification. 철도의 ~ the electrification of railroads. 농촌의 ~ rural electrification. 농장의 ~가 급속도로 추진되고 있다 The farms are being electrified at a rapid pace. 가정의 ~가 더욱 진척되고 있다 People are relyin
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