좋고말고 영어로
"좋고말고" 예문
영어 번역
- surely
- 고말고 -고 말고 certainly; (as a matter) of course; indeed; to be sure; enough; rather; needless to say; no doubt; it goes without saying that ‥; why not? 그렇~ It's just as you say. / You are certainly right.
- 그렇고말고요 unambiguously; iwis; assuredly; wis; undoubtedly
- 말고 말고 not ‥ but ‥; instead of ‥; except; but. 그 사람~ 그의 부인이 왔었다 It was his wife, not he, that came. 너~ 누가 그런 짓을 하겠느냐 Who would do such a thing but you? 그~는 믿을 사람이 아무도 없다 There is no one to rely on but[e
- 몽고말 mongolian; mongolian language
- … 말고는 except
- 말고기 말고기 horsemeat; horseflesh; horse beef.▷ 말고기자반 [술에 취하여 얼굴이 붉은 사람] a red-faced drunk.
- 말고는 excepting
- 말고삐 말고삐 a bridle; reins; ribbons. ~를 잡다 hold[lead] a horse by the bridle / handle the reins. ~를 늦추다 slacken the reins. ~를 잡아당기다 draw rein / rein in / check with reins. ~를 잡아당겨서 말을 멈추다 rein up[back] a
- 고말라어 ghomala
- 그러고 말고 i don’t mind
- 기말고사 Final examination
- 말고기 파동 2013 horse meat scandal
- 말고베크 Malgobek
- 연애 말고 결혼 Marriage, Not Dating
- 방해말고 꺼져!: 게임과 여성 GTFO (film)
- By all means...send out.
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