초탈 영어로
"초탈" 뜻
영어 번역
- 초탈 [超脫] transcendency; transcendence; detachment.
~하다 transcend; stand aloof; rise above.
~한 태도 a disinterested attitude.
세속을 ~하다 rise above the world / stand aloof from the world / be in this world, but not of it.
그는 세속을 ~한 사람이다 He cares little about worldly matters. / He is free from worldly cares.
- 초탄 peat moss
- 초타원 곡선 Hyperelliptic curve
- 초테크가 Chotek family
- 초타원 Superellipse
- 초토 초토 [草土] [거상(居喪) 중임] being in mourning .초토 [焦土] [불탄 흙] scorched earth; burnt ground; [불탄 자취] the ruins[site] of a fire; [불탄 재] burnt-out cinders and ashes. ~화하다 be burnt to the ground / be reduced to
- 초키가 Ciocchi family
- 초토화 Scorched earth
- 초크하다 choke
- 초토화 정책 scorched earth policy