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촉성 영어로

"촉성" 예문"촉성" 뜻

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  • 촉성 [促成] (식물 등의) forcing[hastening / accelerating] the growth of a plant.
    ~하다 stimulate[foster] the realization ; promote the growth .
  • 촉성재배    촉성 재배 [促成栽培] forcing culture. ~용 온실 a forcing house. ~용 식물 plants for forcing. ~를 한 야채 forced[hothouse] vegetables.
  • 촉성재배용 온상    forcing house; garden frame
  • 촉성재배하다    force
  • 대한독립촉성국민회    National Association (South Korea)
  • 촉새    촉새 『鳥』 a bunting.
  • 촉산전    The Legend of Zu
  • 촉사의    tentacular
  • 촉사 같은    tentacular
  • 촉사    tentacle
  • 촉수    촉수 [觸手]1 『動』 an antenna ; a feeler; a tentacle. ~를 내밀다[뻗다] put out a feeler / reach / try to get[obtain].2 [사물에 손댐] touching. ~ 엄금 Hands off.촉수 [觸鬚] 『動』 (절지 동물의) a palp; a palpus ; (물고기의) a barbe
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