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"콧수염" 예문"콧수염" 뜻"콧수염" 중국어

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  • 콧수염 [-鬚髥] a moustache; <美> a mustache.
    ~이 많이[적게] 난 남자 a man with a heavy[thin] mustache.
    ~을 기르다 grow[cultivate] a mustache.
    우리 할아버지는 ~을 기르고 계신다 My grandfather wears[has] a mustache.


  • The guard with the mustache keeps staring at me.
    콧수염 있는 교도관이 자꾸 날 쳐다봐요
  • Just FYI, don't try to go back with a fake mustache.
    참고해. 다시는 가짜 콧수염 붙이고 거기 갈 생각하지마
  • I have my appointment with "Moustache." This guy is so thick.
    나도 콧수염 보러 가야지, 지겨워
  • It's the wink with the porn stache sending the wrong message, I think.
    야동배우 콧수염 윙크로 잘못된 메세지를 보내는 것 같네요
  • Ah, Detective Douche, Detective Stache.
    아, 얼간이 형사님, 콧수염 형사님
  • I've had to grow this moustache just so people will recognise me.
    나도 사람들 알아보라고 콧수염 길렀다구요
  • And like the Hitler-stache? I'm friends with a cop, you know.
    히틀러 콧수염 같은 애?
  • Lumberjack moustaches, rolled-up jeans...
    나무꾼 콧수염 말아올린 청바지..
  • Why don't you just put the mustache back on and come with us to New York?
    프랭크! 콧수염 다시 붙이고 우리랑 함께 뉴욕 가면 안 돼요?
  • When your mom has to put on a fake moustache just so you can fit in with the other kids.
    엄마가 콧수염 붙이고 찾아와도 안 쪽팔려요!
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