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투기 영어로

"투기" 예문"투기" 뜻"투기" 중국어

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  • 투기 [投棄] [내던져 버림] abandonment.
    ~하다 abandon; give up; throw[cast] away.투기 [投機] (a) speculation; <口> (a) spec; a venture; an adventure; an operation; gambling; chances; 『증권』 stockjobbery; stockjobbing.
    돈벌이가 되는 ~ a profitable venture.
    부동산 ~ speculation in real estate.
    빗나간 ~ <口> a bad spec.
    ~로 떼돈을 벌다 make a killing in speculation.
    ~에 손을 대다 dabble[engage] in speculation / play the market / speculate.
    ~로 빈털터리가 되다 beggar oneself by speculation.
    위험한 ~를 하다 play a dangerous game / play for high stakes / speculate .
    주식 ~를 하다 speculate in stocks.
    아버지는 ~에 손대어 큰 손해를 보았다 My father went in for[tried speculation] and lost heavily. / My father lost heavily through speculating.
    나는 증권 ~를 한 번 해보았다 I tried my hand at playing the stock market. / I ventured into a bit of speculation in stocks.
    그는 ~에서 한 몫 잡았다 He was lucky on the stock market. / He made a fortune through speculation.
    ~하다 speculate in ; deal in futures; engage in speculation; make a venture; gamble .▷ 투기꾼[업자] a (professional) speculator; a stockjobber.▷ 투기 매매 sales by speculation; speculative trading[sales].▷ 투기 매입 a speculative buying.▷ 투기 사업 a speculative enterprise[business / venture].▷ 투기 시장 a speculative market.▷ 투기심 a speculative spirit[disposition]; a gambling spirit; [기업심] enterprise.
    ~심을 일으키다 be tempted to speculate.▷ 투기 심리 speculative psychology.▷ 투기 억제 대책 the anti-speculation measures.▷ 투기열 a craze[mania] for speculation; speculative enthusiasm[craze].▷ 투기 자본 <美> venture capital; <英> risk capital.▷ 투기주 [-株] a speculative stock.투기 [妬忌] =강샘.투기 [鬪技] a competition; a contest; a match.
    ~에 이기다[지다] win[lose] a game.▷ 투기자 a contestant; a competitor.▷ 투기장 an arena; a ring.
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