투신자살하다 영어로
"투신자살하다" 뜻
영어 번역
- drown oneself
- 투신자살한 사람 Suicides by jumping
- 자살하다 suicide; commit suicide; kill oneself; stab to death
- 처녀들, 자살하다 The Virgin Suicides
- 분신자살 Self-immolation
- 교살하다 strangulate; garrotte; strangle; garotte; slaughter; suffocate; scrag; hang; choke to death; throttle; spew
- 도살하다 slaughter; kill; murder indiscriminately; butcher
- 말살하다 erase; rub off; delete; totally remove
- 묵살하다 refuse; reject; ignore; overlook; disregard; refuse to recognize
- 암살하다 assassinate; horizontalize; kill; murder
- 투신 투신 [投身]1 [몸을 던짐]. ~하다 drown[die by drowning] oneself (in the water); throw oneself into the water[river]; commit suicide by drowning; precipitate oneself into the water; kill oneself by plunging ; p
- 기습하여 몰살하다 scupper
- 대통령 등이 의안을 묵살하다 pocket