로그인 회원가입

특지가 영어로

"특지가" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 특지가 [特志家] a volunteer; a person interested.
  • 특지    특지 [特旨] [임금의 특별한 명령] special consideration[grace]; a special Royal order. ~로[에 따라] by special Royal grace / in accordance with special Royal Command.특지 [特志]1 bounty; generosity; benevolence; special
  • 지가    지가 [地價] [토지 가격] the price[value] of land; a land value. 법정 ~ the assessed land value. ~의 등귀[하락] the rise[fall] of land prices.▷ 지가 수정 revaluation[reassessment] of land.지가 [紙價] the price of paper.
  • 독지가    독지가 [篤志家] [자선가] a benevolent[charitable] person; [솔선자] a volunteer; a person interested; a supporter(후원자). 익명의 ~ an anonymous benefactor. ~의 찬조를 바랍니다 We solicit the support of those who are speciall
  • 지지가    Jijiga
  • 키지가    House of Chigi
  • 지가와주 지가와주    Jigawa State
  • 가지가 난    ramose
  • 가지가 달린 촛대    candleholder; candelabrum; candlestick
  • 가지가 많은    branchy
  • 가지가 없는    limbless
  • 가지가 있는    trifurcate; bifurcated; biforked; bifurcate; forked; cervicorn; furcate
  • 가지가야역    Kajigaya Station
  • 가지가지    가지가지 various kinds ; a variety ; all sorts ; of every kind[sort]. ~ 경험 a varied experience. ~ 물건 articles of every sort and kind / a great variety of things / sundry articles / all sorts of things.
  • 가지가지의    several; various; different; individual; ingenious; assorted; skilful
  • 기지가 풍부함    mercuriality
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