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팽팽하다 영어로

"팽팽하다" 예문"팽팽하다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 팽팽하다1 (켕기어서) tight; taut; strained; tense; stretched to the full.
    팽팽해지다 tighten / become tight[taut].
    팽팽히 tightly; tautly; tensely.
    밧줄을 팽팽히 당기다 tighten[strain] a rope / stretch a rope tight.
    너무 팽팽히 잡아당기면 끊어진다 If you strain it too hard, it will break.2 (성질이) rigid; strict; stern; narrow-minded; illiberal; strait-laced; hide-bound.
    팽팽한 사람 a strict[narrow-minded] person.
    팽팽히 rigidly; strictly; sternly; narrow-mindedly.3 (세력이) close; equal; even; equally-matched[-balanced]; well-matched.
    팽팽한 경기 a close game / a well-matched game.
    실력이 ~ be well matched[balanced] in strength[power].
    팽팽히 closely; equally; evenly.
    쌍방은 주장을 굽히지 않고 팽팽히 맞섰다 Both struck fast to their respective opinions.
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