편파적으로 영어로
"편파적으로" 예문"편파적으로" 뜻
영어 번역
- unwholly
- incompletely
- in part
- to some extent
- to an extent
- sort of
- 편파적이 아닌 indifferent
- 편파적인 partial
- 편파 편파 [偏頗] partiality; favoritism; (unfair) discrimination; [일방적임] one-sidedness; [불공평] unfairness; injustice. 저 심사원은 ~적이다 That judge is biased toward one side. 심판은 ~적이어서는 안 된다 A referee should be impa
- 파적 파적 [破寂] killing time; diversion for idle moments; beguiling the tedium. ~하다 kill[beguile] time; divert oneself from idle moments.
- 간접적으로 indirectly
- 감상적으로 piteously
- 강제적으로 impressively; weightily; forcibly; accessively
- 개인적으로 individually
- 객관적으로 objectively
- 결론적으로 eventually; at last; finally
- 결정적으로 decisively; conclusively
- 경멸적으로 disdainfully; scornfully; contemptuously
- 경제적으로 economically
- 계속적으로 non-stop; every five minutes
- 계획적으로 studiedly; intentionally; according to plan; designedly; deliberately; purposely; purposefully; scienter; advertently; advisedly; on purpose; wittingly
- Fool, brother is gonna be harder on you, to show he got no bias. Shit, you better hope for the whities.
미친년, 흑인이면 편파적으로 안보이려고, 네편을 안들겠지