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"피제수" 예문"피제수" 뜻"피제수" 중국어

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  • 피제수 [被除數] 『數』 a dividend.
  • 제수    제수 [弟嫂] =계수(季嫂).제수 [除數] =나눗수. 피~ a dividend.제수 [祭需] ritual food; sacrifices.
  • 아피제닌    Apigenin
  • 이피제니    Iphigénie
  • 정제수    Purified water
  • 강제수단    강제 수단 [强制手段] a compulsory measure; a legal step. ~을 쓰다 appeal[resort] to compulsory measures / take legal steps.
  • 강제수용    강제 수용 [强制收用] detention by legal force. ~소 (나치스의) a concentration camp / (2차대전 중 미국의) an internment camp. ~하다 put into custody. 그는 ~되었다 He was taken into custody.
  • 강제수용소    concentration camp; nazi concentration camp
  • 국제수배    Interpol notice
  • 국제수사    The Golden Holiday
  • 국제수지    국제 수지 [國際收支] 『經』 the international balance of payments; international payments; balance of international payments[accounts]. ~ 흑자(국) (a country with) a favorable balance of international payments. ~
  • 제수르 베 귀젤    Brave and Beautiful
  • 제수알도    Gesualdo, Campania
  • 제수이트회    제수이트회 [-會] [예수회] the Society of Jesus; the Jesuits; (개인) a Jesuit.
  • 공장제수공업    Craft production
  • 국제수력학회    International Hydropower Association
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