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하금명 영어로

"하금명" 중국어

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  • Ho Kam-ming
  • 금명    금명(간) [今明明間間] today and[or] tomorrow; sometime today or tomorrow; in a day or two; in a couple of days; within forty-eight hours. 편지는 ~ 당신에게 도착할 것입니다 The letter will reach you in a day or two. / The
  • 하근찬    Ha Geun-chan
  • 하극상    하극상 [下剋上] the lower dominating the upper; overpowering of seniors by juniors; a revolt against seniors; a mutiny. ~의 시대에는 그런 예가 헤아릴 수 없이 많다 Such examples abound during a period of social upheaval.
  • 하급    하급 [下級] a lower class[grade]. ~의 low-class / lowe-grade / [연하의] junior.▷ 하급 관리[공무원] a lower-level[junior / petty] official; minor government official.▷ 하급 관청 a subordinate agency.▷ 하급 노동자 a low-clas
  • 하그포르스 시    Hagfors Municipality
  • 하급 공무원    petty officer
  • 하그바    hakupha
  • 하급 도박장    deadfall
  • 하그만    Hagman
  • 하급 배우    utility man
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