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해외민간투자공사 영어로

"해외민간투자공사" 예문

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  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation
  • 한국투자공사    Korea Investment Corporation
  • 중국 에너지 절약 투자 공사    China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group
  • 미국의 항공사 미국의 민간 항공회사    Airlines of the United States
  • 민간전민텔레비전공사    formosa tv
  • 민간    민간 [民間] ~의 (공(公)에 대하여) private / nonofficial / nongovernmental / (군에 대하여) civilian / civil / nonmilitary. ~에서 among the people / in nongovernmental circles. ~에서 선출된 대표 delegates chosen from among or
  • 대한무역투자진흥공사    KOTRA
  • 간투사    간투사 [間投詞] =감탄사(☞ 감탄).
  • 투자    투자 [投資] (an) investment. 거액[다액] ~ a heavy investment. 공공 ~ public investment. 기관[개인] ~ an institutional[individual] investment. 민간 ~ private investment. 부차적 ~ a side investment. 사전 ~ preinvestment.
  • 투자 투자    Investment
  • 기간투라속    Telescopefish
  • 식자공    linotypist; compositor; typographer; typesetter; linotyper
  • 편자공    farrier; blacksmith
  • 해외    해외 [海外] foreign countries. 한국 ~ 개발 공사 the Korea Overseas Development Corporation. ~의 oversea(s) / abroad / foreign. ~의 사정 foreign affairs. ~로부터 from over[beyond] the sea / from abroad. ~에서 돌아오다 retu
  • 중간투사범주    intermediate projection
  • 공사    공사 [工事] construction; construction work; work of construction; engineering work. 건설~ construction works. 날림~ jelly building / flimsy[slipshod / shoddy] construction (work). 도로 ~ road work[building /
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