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핵심진정쌍떡잎식물 영어로


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  • Core eudicots
  • 진정쌍떡잎식물 진정쌍떡잎식물    Eudicots
  • 쌍떡잎식물    dicotyledon; dicotyledon
  • 쌍떡잎 식물의    dicotyledonous
  • 외떡잎식물    monocotyledon; monocotyledon
  • 쌍떡잎    쌍떡잎 [雙-] 『植』 a double seed-leaf[-cotyledon].▷ 쌍떡잎 식물 『植』 a dicotyledon; a dicotyledonous plant.
  • 외떡잎식물에 관한 토막글    Monocot stubs
  • 떡잎    떡잎 『植』 a seed leaf; a cotyledon; [싹] a bud; a sprout. 될성부른 나무는 ~부터 알아본다 Genius displays itself even in childhood. / Genius will assert itself at an early age.
  • 핵심    핵심 [核心] the (hard) core; a kernel; [요점] the point. 문제의 ~ the heart[kernel] of a problem. 문제의 ~을 파악하다 go[get] to the heart of a matter / tear the vitals out of a subject. ~을 찌르다 touch the core / com
  • 진정    진정 [眞正] genuineness; authenticity. ~하다 genuine; authentic; real; true; pure. ~한 의미에서 in the true sense of the world. ~한 친구 one's bosom friend. ~한 우정 true friendship. ~한 인류애 genuine love for humanity
  • 외떡잎    외떡잎 『植』 monocotyledon.▷ 외떡잎 식물 a monocotyledon; a monocotyledonous plant.
  • 핵심 역량    Core competency
  • 핵심 지역    heartland
  • 핵심의    aggro
  • 핵심종    Keystone species
  • 진정 (배우)    Dada Chan
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