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핸드러기지 영어로

"핸드러기지" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • hand luggage
  • 두드러기    두드러기 『醫』 hives; nettle rash; urticaria. ~가 돋다[나다] get nettle rash / have urticaria / form wheals / break out in a rash. ~가 온 몸에 났다[돋았다] A rash broke out over my whole body. / I[My whole body] broke
  • 머드러기    머드러기 a big[large] one; a large piece of fruit; a large fish.
  • 기지    기지 [旣知] ~의 (already) known / familiar / well-known / established. ~의 사실 a well-known fact / an established fact.▷ 기지 사항 a datum .기지 [機智] wit; quick wits; a flash of wit; ready wits; resources. ~있는 w
  • 기러기    기러기 『鳥』 a wild goose .
  • 꾸러기    -꾸러기 an overindulger; a person who overdoes . 말썽~ a burden / a bother / a handful / a nuisance / an imp / a bully. 심술~ a cross-grained[an ill-natured] fellow / a dog in the manger / a cynic / a cros
  • 얼러기    얼러기 a spotted[pied / piebald] animal.
  • 드러난    exposed; public
  • 드러남    exposure; leakage current; disclosure; revealing
  • 드러리    Drury
  • 드러머    드러머 [북치는 사람] a drummer.
  • 603 기지    Base 603
  • 공군 기지    air base
  • 과학 기지    Research stations
  • 군사 기지    Military base
  • 기지 있는    witty
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