로그인 회원가입

확언적인 영어로

"확언적인" 예문

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • affirmative
  • 격언적인    aphoristic; proverbial; of a proverb
  • 금언적인    sententious
  • 단언적인    declaratory; declarative
  • 선언적인    him; disjunctive; toi; them
  • 예언적인    mantic; augural; prophetical; fatiloquent; vatic; prophetic; fatidic; fateful; clairvoyant; oracular
  • 우언적인    periphrastic; circumlocutional; circumlocutory
  • 확언    확언 [確言] a positive[definite] statement; assertion; affirmation. ~하다 state[say] positively[definitely]; assert; affirm; commit oneself; lay down. 그 점은 ~하기 어렵다 I am not positive about the point. 나는 그녀
  • 확언하다    claim; asseverate; affirm; bear out
  • 가언적    가언적 [假言的] hypothetical; conditional.
  • 우언적    circumlocution; periphrasis
  • 이언적    yi eon-jeok
  • 정언적    정언적 [定言的] 『論』 categorical.▷ 정언적 명제 a categorical proposition.▷ 정언적 삼단 논법 a categorical syllogism.▷ 정언적 판단[명령] categorical judgment[imperative].
  • 가언적 삼단 논법    Hypothetical syllogism
  • 가언적명제    가언적 명제 [假言的命題] 『論』 a hypothetical proposition.
  • 가언적추론    가언적 추론 [假言的推論] 『論』 hypothetical reasoning.
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