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황금시편 영어로


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  • Golden Verses
  • 황금시간대    Prime time
  • 황금시대    millennium
  • 해적의 황금시대    Golden Age of Piracy
  • 황금시대 (1930년 영화)    L'Age d'Or
  • 황금시대 (2014년 영화)    The Golden Era (film)
  • 금시    금시 [今時] this[the present] time[moment]; now; nowadays. ~에 in a moment / at once / without delay. ~에 마음이 변하다 change one's mind in a flash.
  • 시편    시편 [詩篇]1 [책 속의 시 부분] the poetry section (of a book).2 [시를 편찬한 책] a book of poems; a volume of poetry.3 『聖』 the Book of Psalms; the Psalms(略 Ps., Psa.).
  • 네덜란드 황금 시대 네덜란드 황금시대    Dutch Golden Age
  • 시편 시편    Psalms
  • 금시계    금시계 [金時計] a gold watch.
  • 황금    황금 [黃金]1 =금(金).2 [화폐] money.3 [금빛] gold. 논에 보이는 것은 온통 ~(빛)물결 뿐이다 As far as one can see the rice fields are waving their golden ears.4 [가치가 큰 것]. 저 투수는 ~의 팔을 가졌다고 한다 That pitcher is said to have a go
  • 붉은 시편    Red Psalm
  • 금시발복    금시 발복 [今時發福] ~하다 rise to wealth and honor in a day; spring at a bound into wealth and honor; make a fortune overnight.
  • 금시초문    금시 초문 [今時初聞] 그것은 ~이다 I have never heard of that. / This is the first time for me to hear about that. I didn't know that. 그가 죽었다니 ~이다 His death is news to me.
  • 런던 금시장    London bullion market
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