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훌훌 영어로

"훌훌" 예문"훌훌" 뜻"훌훌" 중국어

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  • 훌훌하다    훌훌하다 [미음 등이 매우 묽다] thin; washy; watery; wishy-washy; sloppy.
  • 훌츠프레드 시    Hultsfred Municipality
  • 훌쭉하다    훌쭉하다 ☞ 홀쭉하다 밑이 훌쭉한 유리컵 a glass which is slender at the bottom. 볼이 ~ have hollow cheeks. 훌쭉해지다 lose much flesh / grow very thin.
  • 훌쩍훌쩍 울다    whimper
  • 훑다    훑다1 (벼 등을) hackle; thrash; strip. 벼를 ~ hackle[thrash / thresh] rice. 뽕잎을 ~ strip off the leaves of a mulberry twig. 손으로 잡아 ~ draw[squeeze] through one's hand. 훑어 내리다 hackle down. 그가 밀 이삭을 훑으면 밀알이 아
  • 훌쩍훌쩍    훌쩍훌쩍1 (액체를) sipping repeatedly; with slurp after slurp; sucking away; (콧물을) sniffling; sniveling. ~ 마시다 drink by sips[in little sips]; drink in small gulps; sip (at) ; drink thimblefuls of liquor.
  • 훑어 보다    see; observe; behold
  • 훌쩍이며 말하다    snivel
  • 훑어 잡다    dredge


  • As Dr. Golan said, maybe I can move on.
    골란 선생님 말처럼 훌훌 털어버릴 계기가 될지 몰라요
  • Time for you to shake off the rust and get back in the game.
    이제 훌훌 털어버리고 본격적으로 게임을 할 때에요
  • He almost got over it.
    그래도 훌훌 털어버리셨단다
  • I can get out of town and be busy, and finally take my mind off things. - Jacob!
    여길 떠나서 바쁘게 지내고 훌훌 털어버릴 수 있겠어
  • That this guy lost and then he's moaning about it, is just him being stuck because he wants to be stuck because he can't get past the fucking moment.
    과거에 사로잡혀서 집착하고 훌훌 털어내지 못해서야
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