acquisition and cross-servicing agreement 뜻
- 상호군수지원협정
- acquisition: noun, 취득, 획득, 취득물, 획득물
- agreement: noun, 동의, 계약, 일치, 호웅
- be in agreement: 부합되다
- in agreement: 원만하게; 확증적인; 확인의; 의견이 같은; 함; 뒷받침하는
- in agreement with: 에 따라서; 에 준하여; 따라; 에 따르면
- not in agreement: 불협화음의; 부정합의; 에 따라서
- component-based servicing: 구성 요소 기반 서비스
- data acquisition: phrase, (전산)데이터 수집
- language acquisition: 언어습득
- license acquisition: 라이선스 취득
- acquisition before others: 선매
- acquisition, technology & logistics agency: 일본 방위장비청
- defense acquisition program administration: 대한민국 방위사업청
- language acquisition device: 언어 획득 장치; 언어 습득 장치
- perimeter acquisition radar: phrase, 주변 포착 레이더
기타 단어
- "acquired taste" 뜻
- "acquirement" 뜻
- "acquirements" 뜻
- "acquiry" 뜻
- "acquisition" 뜻
- "acquisition before others" 뜻
- "acquisition of 21st century fox by disney" 뜻
- "acquisition, technology & logistics agency" 뜻
- "acquisitive" 뜻
- "acquiry" 뜻
- "acquisition" 뜻
- "acquisition before others" 뜻
- "acquisition of 21st century fox by disney" 뜻