c.b.i. 뜻
- phrase, Confederation of British Industry, computer-based instruction
- i.c.b.p.: phrase, International Council for Bird Preservation 국제 조류보호 회의
- bác Ái district: 박아이현
- cái bè district: 까이베현
- b, i, s,: phrase, Bank for International Settlement 국제 결제 은행, British Information Services 영국 정보부
- hello i.b.i: 헬로 아이·비·아이
- i.b.i (group): 아이비아이
- a.b.c.: 첫번 째의; 초보의
- b.c.: 기원전
- c.& b.: phrase, caught and bowled (by) C.B. Bachelor of Surgery, Cape Breton, cash book, Companion of the Bath, Cavalry Brigade, Chief Baron, Coal Board, Common Bench, Conference Board, Confidential Book,
- c.b.: Bachelor of Surgery, Cape Breton, cash book, Companion of the Bath, Cavalry Brigade, Chief Baron, Coal Board, Common Bench, Conference Board, Confidential Book, construction battalion, cost benefit,
- a.c.i.s.: phrase, Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries
- i.c: phrase, lesus chistus i/c x, in charge, in command
- i.c.a.: phrase, International Cooperation Administration x, International Cooperation Administration, International Communication Agency 국제협력국(지금은 AID)
- i.c.s: phrase, Indian Civil Service
- i/c: phrase, in charge, in command I.C x, lesus chistus